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If the sunshine is beckoning you out to play, don’t pass up a gorgeous day to go to the gym.  With a little creativity and some sand, hills, trees or park benches you can get your dose of vitamin D with these outdoor workout ideas! Add in some cardio to your workout by jogging, marching in place, doing jumping jacks or plyometrics in between these exercises.

5212bPark Bench Push-Ups
Do your push-ups using a park bench, a curb or a large rock. You can vary it by putting your feet on the park bench or curb and your hands on the ground. Do 8-10 pushups. Next, switch your hands and feet so your hands are on the park bench or curb. Repeat 8 – 10 pushups. Still have it in you to pump out a few more? Put both hands and feet on the ground and do 8 – 10 more.

You can vary your arm position by placing your hands out wider than shoulders or bringing them in tight, directly under your shoulders. Modify by doing pushups on your knees or more upright by using the back of the park bench, bleacher or side of a building. Targets chest, shoulders and core

bootcamp tricep dipsPark Bench Dips
Facing away, sit on edge of bench. Place hands next to hips with fingers forward grasping the edge of the bench. With a straight torso lower body down by slowly bending the elbows and knees until elbows are at a right angle. Press shoulders down and tuck elbows against sides. Slowly push arms straight to return to starting position. Repeat 8 – 10 times. Targets triceps, shoulders    

austin_8256Playground Pull-Ups
Find some monkey bars or a horizontal tree branch that’s above your head. Reach up to grab the bar or branch. You can vary your grasp from underhand, overhand or one hand over and the other under. Place hands shoulder width apart or wider. Hang and feel the stretch, then tighten shoulder girdle muscles to pull your shoulders and scapula down. This small stabilizing movement may be all you can do. That’s okay. Hold for 10 second and release. Repeat 5 – 10 times. You can also push off your feet and jump to lift your head above the bar or branch, then slowly lower down. Pull ups are hard, but stick with it and you’ll be rewarded! Targets biceps, shoulders, back

Austin_BCHill Climbers
Stand a few feet away from a park bench, rock or ledge. Place hands on the bench or rock with feet behind you in a plank position. Alternate pulling each knee tight into your chest as if to touch knee to nose. Do 10 reps slow and controlled. Next move quickly as if climbing a hill for 30 seconds, keeping your hips level. Repeat 1 to 2 times. Targets abs, core, arms, back    

Boulders, benches, pebbles and pavement can be hard on the hands! No need to let that stop you from these fabulous and fun outdoor workouts. With Wrist Assured Gloves WAGs on your hands you get protection for your palms, gel padded comfort, wrist support and non skid grip! Grab a pair of WAGs workout gloves for females or males and head outside into natures gym. Check out these workout gloves with wrist support.Learn More

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