Patented workout gloves relieve wrist and thumb pain!
"Get sexy strong arms without putting up with wrist pain."



Profession: Registered Dietician
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used?
Power, Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 6
Leisure Interests: yoga retreats, golf, weight
training, running

“I have rheumatoid arthritis and due to the erosion of cartilage in my wrist, I have limited wrist extension. Prior to the gloves I needed to use various props, including a piece of wedged wooden molding to enable me to practice yoga. The interruption of moving the props around on the mat affected my dharana (concentration). I am now able to flow smoothly from pose to pose without interruption. I also love how small and compact they are for traveling.”

Jonathan Urla

Profession: Founder YOGILATES, Pilates and Yoga Instructor
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? Pilates & weight training
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 25 yrs.

“I use my pair of WAGs for my Pilates and weight training. I especially like them for pressing free weights as the cushion support in the palms relieves my wrists and allows me to lift more weight. I have recommended the gloves to many of my clients, both male and female, and they have purchased them and use them regularly.”

Lori Brown

Profession: STOTT Pilates Instructor / Health Consultant
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? Yoga & Pilates
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: —
Leisure Interests: Learning about fitness & health, reading, gardening and most of all enjoying my family.

“I use WAGs when practicing my own Yoga and Pilates — both Mat and Reformer. WAGs give my wrists more support and relieve stress when performing certain holds and more advanced mat and reformer exercises. I have practiced Yoga off and on for many years, I have taught women’s self defense, and currently teach Pilates in both group and private studio settings.

My goal is to stay current with medical research with regard to kinesiology, neuroscience, and the mind-body connection; and I always strive to set a good example for others in maintaining a good physical and mental well being.”


Profession: Fitness Expert, Yoga Teacher, Founder of FLEXXATION®, and YOGAFLEXX™
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? Yoga and resistance training
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 10 years yoga & 20 years resistance/strength training
Leisure Interests: Yoga, dancing, singing, music & Broadway shows. Metaphysical books & courses. Time with friends.

“In my professional opinion, these gloves are one of the BEST inventions created in the fitness/wellness industry EVER! Experiencing horrific overuse injuries due to an extensive yoga practice (and my job) ranging from a painful cyst on my wrist to soft tissue damage in my palms, my career and my sanity were at stake! Since practicing with Wrist Assured Gloves I am virtually pain-free! Many of my students use the gloves and LOVE them! Several clients that would normally not be able to perform so many exercises are now able to do them with grace, ease and joy and can tap into their true strength! I feel it is imperative to use these gloves both as a preventative measure or if one is recovering from an injury. For me practicing without Wrist Assured Gloves is like practicing yoga without a mat and without the breath! I am so grateful to have come across this miraculous product. Thank you!”

Lee Cancio, C COL MIL USA Medcom AISR

Profession: Surgeon
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? Ashtanga Yoga
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: One year
Leisure Interests: Arabic and Aramaic choir

“My right wrist is quite stiff from an old mountain bike accident. WAGs helped me continue to do Ashtanga despite this.”

Sandy Sahl

Profession: Marketing consultant (specialty Yoga)
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? in yoga and Pilates classes, and on the Gravity Training System unit at the gym
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 6 years yoga, 2 years Pilates
Leisure Interests: biking, Bhangra dancing, gardening, travel

“For the past two years I have skipped my beloved flow yoga classes because of the pain in my wrists, a pain that no one has been able to diagnose. Then I had the chance to go to a two-week yoga retreat: What to do? I searched online and found Wrist Assured Gloves and gave them a try. Miracle! I was able to do two weeks of twice-daily flow yoga classes with no problem! And now I’m back home and doing three Vinyasa classes a week. I couldn’t be happier, and when these wear out I’ll be back for more.”

Beth Levine

Profession: Sales Representative
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? For Pilates
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 8 yrs.
Leisure Interests: My dogs!

“As I developed arthritis in my left hand and wrist, without the gloves, I would not have been able to continue practicing Pilates. I love Pilates so the gloves are a “life saver”!”


Profession: Senior Paralegal
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? in Pilates
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 18 yrs.
Leisure Interests: snowboarding, wake boarding, surfing, wake surfing, ballet, Pilates and tennis

” I am a 6 year breast cancer survivor. During chemotherapy, the chemo burned out the cartilage in my right wrist causing me to lose a large degree of motion in my right wrist. Using WAGS during my Pilates sessions has afforded me the support needed to do wonder chair, reformer, cadillac, high barrel exercise and mat (including back bends) with a degree of comfort I have not had for more than 5 years. THEY ARE WONDERFUL and enable me to do all the exercises requiring me to put my right hand flat on the floor properly and with ease. WAGS have made a tremendous difference in my ability to properly do all of the Pilates poses. Thank you soooo much!”

Jasmine Cook

Profession: Marketing Consultant
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? Yoga and mat Pilates
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 2
Leisure Interests:

“I just recently began using WAGs and couldn’t be happier with the results. I spend the majority of my time working on a computer and the end of the day my wrists and shoulders are strained. WAGs have helped alleviate the stress put on my hands and shoulders during both yoga and Pilates, allowing me to increase the number and length of my workouts after work. The gloves are very comfortable and really help improve the quality of my workouts. I wish I’d discovered them sooner!”


Profession: Occupational Therapist & STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructor
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? In Pilates mat and reformer work
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 10 years with over 8 years as a certified instructor

“My background is Occupational Therapy with my main area of expertise being hand therapy for over 20 years. As a result I am very aware of the forces and stresses certain Pilates moves create on the wrist and carpal tunnel. I instruct approx. 18 small group classes and some private sessions, in my studio per week. As a result I was experiencing some discomfort in my own wrists. Since wearing WAGS, I am experiencing much less discomfort during upper extremity weight bearing moves on the mat or reformer. I am highly recommending them to my clients before they experience any adverse wrist complaints. ”

Stephanie Thornton

Profession: Yoga Advisor
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? Vinyasa and Ashtanga Yoga
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 3
Leisure Interests: Yoga, Singing, dancing, learning, traveling

“What a blessing these gloves have been in my life. My right wrist was injured when I was 16 and I’ve had to wear a brace on and off since then. The pain was unbearable in certain poses in ashtanga yoga. I saw the ad in yoga journal for the gloves. The first day I was pain free!!! It was an emotional experience for me… WAGs gave me my yoga life back. I can now do crow, handstand & chatturanga pain free. Thank you so much! I will forever be grateful and will spread the word about these magical gloves. ”


Profession: Physical Therapist
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? Pilates and yoga
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 5
Leisure Interests: Pilates, yoga, biking, walking/jogging, reading

“I cannot recommend these gloves enough…I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms, but with these gloves I can do all the moves I want in yoga and Pilates!”

Lynne Carr

Profession: Yoga Teacher RYT200
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? During yoga practice
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 10+ years
Leisure Interests: Running, gardening…

“I was recently diagnosed with thumb arthritis and your gloves were the only product that seemed to have a chance at alleviating pressure on my thumb joints during my yoga practice. Sure enough, they are working! Elevating the palm, takes pressure off my thumbs. No more ”crunching” my thumb joints. I loved them so much, I blogged about them:

Lynn Evans

Profession: STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructor
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? In Pilates mat and reformer work & all 4’s position
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 10 years with 8+ years as a certified instructor

“My background is Occupational Therapy with my main area of expertise being hand therapy for over 20 years. As a result I am very aware of the forces and stresses certain Pilates moves create on the wrist and carpal tunnel. I instruct approx. 18 small group classes and some private sessions, in my home studio, per week. As a result I was experiencing some discomfort in my own wrists. Since wearing WAGS, I am experiencing way less discomfort during upper extremity weight bearing moves on the mat or reformer. I am highly recommending them to my clients before they experience any adverse wrist complaints. ”

Kimberly Buccieri

Profession: Talent Agent
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? Yoga
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: 8.5 years
Leisure Interests: Zumba, Wine Tasting, Travel

“I started feeling wrist pain after about 6 years of practicing yoga. No amount of modification or other wrist support options would help. I was completely distraught at the idea of not being able to practice yoga as often as I wanted. WAGS were recommended to me from a staff member at my yoga studio who had the same problem. Ever since then my wrist pain has been dramatically reduced. I tried practicing without them recently and about a quarter of the way through really felt the strain. I absolutely will not practice without them. Thank you for a wonderful invention!”

Susan Telez

Profession: Secretary
How Wrist Assured™ Gloves are used? Yoga, Pilates, Spin, weight lifting and cleaning house!
Years doing Yoga or Pilates: On and off since I was a young girl
Leisure Interests: Working out, shopping

“WAGS truly changed my life in that I can now do yoga & and just about anything without horrible wrist pain. I’ve had osteoarthritis for most of my life and as I’ve aged the pain was unbearable in my hands — WAGs have allowed me to do all the things I want to minus the pain! YAY me :)”


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