Jun 20, 2019 | Outdoor Exercise, Uncategorized
With summer here, does your schedule get all mixed up? It’s in a good way usually, but I used to find it difficult to keep my workout consistent until I started taking it with me. Here are some suggestions for easy-to-do exercises (no equipment required!) when you’ve...
May 7, 2019 | Outdoor Exercise
Is the sunshine beckoning you out to play? Why not get your dose of vitamin D by taking your workout outdoors? Skipping the gym occasionally and exercising outside is a great way to welcome spring and a gorgeous day. With a little creativity and some hills, trees,...
Dec 20, 2017 | Fitness, Yoga & Pilates Articles | WAGs, Outdoor Exercise
If you’ve had a shoulder injury then you know how slow they can be to heal. For months now, I’ve been working on my right shoulder. It started as a paresis of my right shoulder from the bike injury I had in July and ended up with impingement of the supraspinatus...
May 11, 2017 | Outdoor Exercise, Uncategorized
If the sunshine is beckoning you out to play, don’t pass up a gorgeous day to go to the gym. With a little creativity and some sand, hills, trees or park benches you can get your dose of vitamin D with these outdoor workout ideas! Add in some cardio to your workout...
Sep 21, 2016 | Outdoor Exercise, Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
I love to go hiking in the fall. The crisp air, autumn colors & crunch of leaves under foot add to the enjoyment. Hiking is simplicity. Step right, step left, up you go. All it takes is a good pair of hiking boots and some pre-hike conditioning to have a pleasant...
May 3, 2016 | Outdoor Exercise
Is Your Green Thumb causing Sore Thumbs? As gardening season arrives you may find yourself with sore, aching thumbs and wrists. All the digging, dirt turning, rock heaving, week pulling and raking puts a fair amount of stress on our overworked thumbs. Add to that...