Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
When your hiking, especially if the terrain is hilly or mountainous, you’ll want to strengthen your legs, especially your quadriceps before you go. One thing to bring along is your Nordic hiking poles – they’re great for hiking hilly terrain....
Nov 9, 2020 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
We spent lot’s of time talking about the hands and arms and even occasionally the legs. But we rarely discuss the ever important feet. We use our feet all of the time – to walk, run, jog, bike, hike and more. A strong foot is generally a healthy foot, so...
Aug 19, 2020 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
Using a tennis ball to exercise your hands is a good use of those fuzzy green balls, in addition to playing a game of tennis. First we’ll start with a coordination exercise. Place the tennis ball in your fingertips with your thumb on the bottom of the ball and...
Feb 28, 2018 | Fitness, Yoga & Pilates Articles | WAGs
This month we are conditioning the arms. Try these 4 exercises below and stop with anything that causes pain. It’s okay to feel fatigue and your muscles working, but you shouldn’t feel pain. For your resistance start low and work your way up. A 2 or 3...
Apr 11, 2017 | Fitness, Yoga & Pilates Articles | WAGs, Recommended Reading: Wrist & Exercise Articles | WAGs, Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs, Uncategorized
Eggsercizer® Resistive Hand Excersiser There are lots of gadgets for developing grasp strength, but they’re often one dimensional, not practical or well designed. What makes the Eggsercizer® so special? Well, in addition to its clever name, it’s ergonomically shaped...