Eggsercizer® Resistive Hand Excersiser
There are lots of gadgets for developing grasp strength, but they’re often one dimensional, not practical or well designed. What makes the Eggsercizer® so special? Well, in addition to its clever name, it’s ergonomically shaped to fit the contours of the hand, it’s versatile, latex-free, comes in 4 levels of resistance and can be chilled or warmed up for added therapeutic benefit. What stress ball does all that?
The Eggsercizer® feels so great in the hand, it’s hard to put down once you start squeezing it. It provides effective resistive therapy, that you can grade from extra soft to firm, for a wide variety of exercises to strengthen the fingers, thumb, hand, wrist, and forearm.
With tennis and golf season here it’s a good time to strengthen your grip, wrist and forearm muscles to avoid tennis or golfers elbow. If you think squeezing a tennis ball will give you the same results, think again! Not only are tennis balls too large for most hands, they’re too hard and the round shape puts the fingers and hand in an unnatural position. After all the handles of your golf clubs and tennis rackets aren’t ball shaped, are they? Repeatedly squeezing a hard tennis ball can cause or aggravate tennis elbow instead of helping it.
By regularly using the Eggsercizer® you can improve your grip strength, increase finger dexterity, improve fine motor skills and improve circulation. The four color-coded densities, provide options for all stages of strengthening. In addition, the Eggsercizer® grip strength tool can be warmed up in a container of hot water for 3-4 minutes before exercising to improve the circulation in the hands and fingers. The warmth feels good on arthritic hands too. The Eggsercizer® can also be chilled in the refrigerator to reduce hand swelling and desensitize painful areas.
Here are just a few of the many exercisers you can do with your Eggsercizer® hand strengthening ball.
The small, portable and effective Eggsercizers® get the job done if used often. Keep one in your car to squeeze at red lights, put it in your pocket to work your hands while walking your dog or keep it beside your favorite TV chair and do a series of exercises each time you sit there.
The extra soft orange is great for the fingers and thumb, while the soft green or medium blue are good for grip strengthening. They’re EGGxactly what your hands need! You can buy your Eggsercisers® individually or 2 are included with our Hand Fitness Kit. Click here to learn more.
This kind of technique is something which I had never thought of. It seems to be very effective and useful too. Thank You for sharing such a wonderful and informative blog.