Nov 9, 2020 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
We spent lot’s of time talking about the hands and arms and even occasionally the legs. But we rarely discuss the ever important feet. We use our feet all of the time – to walk, run, jog, bike, hike and more. A strong foot is generally a healthy foot, so...
Aug 19, 2020 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
Using a tennis ball to exercise your hands is a good use of those fuzzy green balls, in addition to playing a game of tennis. First we’ll start with a coordination exercise. Place the tennis ball in your fingertips with your thumb on the bottom of the ball and...
Jul 1, 2020 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs, Uncategorized
Do you spend a lot of time at your computer, device or reading a good book? All of these have one thing in common – your posture! Generally your head is down and your arms and shoulders are rounded forward. Over time this can effect your posture when standing as...
Nov 21, 2019 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
As the weather gets colder, I notice my joints more, especially my hands. With aging often comes the cricks of arthritis — between the age of 45 and 63 is when may notice the first signs of arthritis. I have arthritis at the base of both thumbs and my left wrist. When...
May 7, 2019 | Outdoor Exercise
Is the sunshine beckoning you out to play? Why not get your dose of vitamin D by taking your workout outdoors? Skipping the gym occasionally and exercising outside is a great way to welcome spring and a gorgeous day. With a little creativity and some hills, trees,...