Jan 29, 2011 | Learn More About Using Your Wrist Assured Gloves | WAGs, Recommended Reading: Wrist & Exercise Articles | WAGs
Pilates Pro Product Review: Wrist Assured Gloves | By Kathryn Comperatore (orig. published in Nov. 2009) If you dread doing planks and push-ups because of wrist pain, Wrist Assured™ Gloves, or WAGs, offers a wearable solution. WAGs, from licensed occupational...
Jan 13, 2011 | WAGs Fans Stories
WAGs Customer: Beth Levine Age: 53 Profession: Sales Representative How do you use your Wrist Assured™ Gloves?: For Pilates Years Practicing Yoga or Pilates: 8 yrs. Leisure Interests: My dogs! Yet To Do In Life: Own a horse! “As I developed arthritis in my left...