Jun 29, 2021 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
Thumb arthritis is common if your older than 40 and it’s especially prevalent in women. It occurs as cartilage wears away from the base joint of your thumb — also known as the CMC or carpometacarpal joint, that attaches your thumb to your wrist. Thumb arthritis can...
Dec 17, 2020 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
As the weather gets colder you might notice those cricks and aches in your joints a bit more. According to Dr. Ben Schwartz arthritis is most prevalent in the low back and neck, and hips and knees. But hands, shoulders and toes are also prone to arthritis. Look Out...
Nov 21, 2019 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
As the weather gets colder, I notice my joints more, especially my hands. With aging often comes the cricks of arthritis — between the age of 45 and 63 is when may notice the first signs of arthritis. I have arthritis at the base of both thumbs and my left wrist. When...
Oct 29, 2018 | Fitness, Yoga & Pilates Articles | WAGs, Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs
Here at WAGs, we’re here to support your wrist fitness and overall wellness, and we know that with aging often comes the creaks of arthritis in your joints. The time between ages 45 and 63 is generally when arthritis begins showing up. Factors that play into...
Apr 6, 2018 | Rehab, Health & Wellness Articles | WAGs, Uncategorized
Shoulder injury treatment options will vary depending upon the type of injury and severity of symptoms. A professional diagnosis may be warranted to determine the extent of your injury. If a fracture, bone spur or rotator cuff tear is suspected an X-ray or MRI will be...