To order by phone call 1-800-606-4JPP (4577)
Hours: 9AM to 5PM (EST) Monday – Friday
WAGs Ultra
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<br />Sizes: XS, S, M, L<br />
Color: Black</p>
<p>Our ultra supportive style is targeted for fitness enthusiasts who need maximum wrist support & stability. Not recommended for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Chronic Swelling.</p>
<p><a href=)
WAGs Pro
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; ?>/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/btnbuynow.png” alt=”Buy Now” /></a><br />
<br />Sizes: XS, S, M, L</p>
<p>Color: Black</p>
<p>Our original ergonomic design provides the therapeutic benefits of the gel pad without the wrist wrap.</p>
<p><a href=)
WAGs Flex
; ?>/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/wags-flex-on-mat-non.jpg” alt=”” width=”238″ height=”159″ /> <br />
<a class=)
; ?>/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/btnbuynow.png” alt=”Buy Now” /></a><br />
<br />Sizes: S & M<br />
Color: Black</p>
<p>Our newest style features a slimmed down wedged gel pad for a versatile work out glove to ease wrist discomfort. Not recommended for more significant wrist pain.</p>
<p><a href=)
Hand Fitness Kit
; ?>/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/handkit.jpg” alt=”” width=”238″ height=”159″ /> <br />
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Our hands work hard for us all day, but are often neglected.</p>
<p>The Hand Fitness Kit includes a latex-free resistance band, an ‘eggerciser’, 2 finger exercise bands, a draw string bag and 22 illustrated exercises to keep your hands in tip top shape. The Hand Fitness Kit can improve your finger, wrist and forearm strength increase dexterity, pinch and grip strength and reduce your risk of problems from repetitive stress or muscle imbalances. Give your hands some TLC with the Hand Fitness Kit. <a href=)
; ?>/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Bags-img.jpg” alt=”” width=”238″ height=”159″ /> <br />
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; ?>/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/btnbuynow.png” alt=”Buy Now” /></a><br />
Colors: Tangerine, Neon-Green, Black</p>
<p>The WAG Bag is a great companion item to keep your gloves together when toting them to and from the gym or your local yoga / Pilates studio. It’s roomy enough to carry your WAGs, ID card, keys ‘n cash in. Air dry your gloves in the bag too.
<h3>Affiliate or Wholesale</h3>
<p><strong>Are interested in becoming a WAGs reseller or affiliate?</strong><br />
Please email or call 1-800-606-4JPP (4577) for more information.</p>
<p>Joint Protection Products, LLC<br />
89 Black Ball Hill Road</p>
<p>Dennis, MA 02638<br />
1-800-606-4JPP (4577)</p>
<p><strong><em>* U.S. and Foreign Patents pending</em></strong></p>
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To order by phone call 1-800-606-4JPP (4577)
Hours: 9AM to 5PM (EST) Monday – Friday