Patented workout gloves relieve wrist and thumb pain!
"Get sexy strong arms without putting up with wrist pain."



We have been patiently, patiently waiting for Spring to arrive! It officially came on March 21st, but with the layers of snow that blanketed our region of the country, we could hardly get excited about the official start date. It’s finally starting to warm, and we’re dusting off our mats, rounding up our favorite Pilates and yoga accessories and heading outdoors (or at the very least opening the windows!).

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We want share one of our favorite pieces of spring workout gear – our Wrist Assured Gloves tee! Perfect for showing off  those arms after a long winter of sweaters and coats. We’re going to be giving away one tee each week, asking the question on our Facebook page and posing it via Twitter account. Click on either of the buttons in the image above to link out to the sites. Our workout shirts are super-soft, cut for women (sorry guys!) and are perfect to wear to, from or during your workout.

Tell us – what is your favorite way to dust-off and get ready for spring? We went to some of our favorite sites and found great resources to prepare your mind, body and home for the changing seasons:

SHARE: What’s your favorite way to celebrate the changing seasons?

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