Patented workout gloves relieve wrist and thumb pain!
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Wrist Assured Gloves is proud to be a business sponsor of the Medical Fitness Network (MFN).

This volunteer driven organization is a win-win for both individuals looking to improve their health and for medical fitness professionals & organizations who offer services that help people reach this goal. The Medical Fitness Network connects the community to qualified fitness and health professionals to maximize wellness and quality of life.

How it works
150x150-consumerThe Medical Fitness Network is a free online resource directory for consumers to locate health, wellness, fitness & allied healthcare professionals with an interest and background in working with people that have a variety of medical conditions. Some of these include Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Heart Disease, Mental Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Pre & Postnatal Care, Respiratory Disease and Stroke.

The MFN creates and maintains a registry for the following professionals: acupuncturists, chiropractors, dietitians, fitness, yoga, Pilates instructors, health & wellness coaches, massage therapists, mental health professionals, and physical therapists. (Yes, as an OT I hope to see Occupational Therapists added to list soon.) Find a provider in your area:

In turn the MFN is a resource for a growing list of Medical and Health Organizations. A few of these include –the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation, Cancer Support Community, Women’s Survivor Alliance, Arthritis Foundation, World Parkinsons Program and more.

Volunteer Driven
The MFN is volunteer driven and was founded by Lisa Dougherty, Dr. John Heydt and Dr. David Kruse. The MFN project is supported by professional membership dues. All monies from professional membership dues are invested back into the network for continued growth and allow MFN to donate its services & resources to medical & health organizations.

Business Partners
Over 100 national businesses have partnered with MFN to support this project. The business partners offer MFN members discounts on industry related courses, certifications, products and services. These exclusive discounts easily offset the cost of professional membership. So this again is a win-win for the both businesses and professionals.

Professional members:
Square MFN bannerProfessionals pay $99/yr and facilities pay $199/yr to join the network as members to promote their services. Professionals receive:
• Referrals from medical and health organizations
• Discounts on continued education, industry related products and services
• Free Educational webinars and more.

Continuing Education
MFN values education! They have an online National Continued Education & Events Calendar where 50+ education companies offer the professional members & facilities discounts on courses, workshops & events. They’re working with some of the top medical organizations in the country to help facilitate more education courses to be available for fitness professionals on chronic disease and medical conditions.

Get Involved!
If you’re a health, wellness or fitness professional and you’d like to differentiate and expand your services, consider joining the Medical Fitness Network. It’s a great way to market your services, expand your qualifications through their continuing education and get access to many discounted products (including Wrist Assured Gloves!).

The Medical Fitness Network is about everyone coming together to serve the greater good and improve others quality of life.

Click Here to join MFN as a professional member and save 50% for the first year!

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